January 1990
Registered seat and main office
A-1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 11
Tel +43 (0)1 905 97 77
Fax +43 (0)1 908 93 42
The most renowned Austrian collection agencies are affiliated with our association. Our member agencies employ a total of 400 persons.
We cover some 70% of the national collection market.
The Executive Board
The Executive Board consists of a Chairman and a deputy Chairman, a Treasurer and a deputy Treasurer, a Secretary and a deputy Secretary.
Functionary service period
5 years
Data Protection Register No.
DVR 598020
Central Register of Associations No.
ZVR 373288004
Approval by the competent authority
The Security Directorate of the Province of Upper Austria, being the competent associations authority, has issued its decision in favor of the association’s foundation (a decree of non-prohibition) with the certificate number VR-802/1989 on November 28th, 1989.
The organisation’s structure
Full members, supporting members and honorary members. The General Assembly consists of full members only. Additional bodies are the Executive Comitee and Executive Board, accountants and a tribunal of arbitration.
Aims of the association
Extract from the bylaws:
The purposes of our association are non-profit and aim at safeguarding the commercial interests of collection agencies by:
• Outlining the profession’s image, PR, joint advertising, exchanging experiences with experts from related economic branches, creating a forum for communication and advanced training, maintaining and intensifying international contacts etc.
• Promoting the development of legislation in favour of the collection industry.
• Combating malpractice in the field of legal advice and unfair competition.
• Acting as complaint point/mediation body for those involved in the collection procedure.
International contacts
The IVÖ maintains very close contacts to foreign associations and is a member of the FENCA (Federation of European National Collection Associations).
The IVÖ Report is issued annually for members and interested institutions. Additionally, there is up-to-date information published in the IVÖ News.
The IVÖ logo as a seal of quality
The IVÖ logo is meant to serve as a seal of quality intended to certify that the rather delicate business of debt collection is performed by agencies that are not only qualified but who also affirm our code of conduct/bylaws.
This identifying feature marks collection agencies that work correctly, reputably and reliably as well as in accordance with all legal requirements.
We also wish to point out that we act as trouble shooters – seeking to objectively and targetedly mediate between debtor and creditor.
Related pages
Organisation Chart
IVÖ Bylaws/Code of Conduct
Translated by: / Übersetzer: Martin Hollan, Bakk.phil.